Good Afternoon,
I hope that everyone had a relaxing and fun weekend and that we are all ready for what the coming days have to offer!
In case you missed the beautiful words that Mrs. Mason shared about Great Hearts Day in the news letter, here they are:
"On February 14th, our Archway Arete community will gather to contemplate and celebrate the virtue of friendship. In place of kitschy cards and treats, students will participate in the simple exchange of sincere encouragement. Time will be set aside to ponder, "What virtues make for a good friend?" as they engage in Socratic seminar with their classmates. Our aim is not to avoid the cultural norms of the day, but to offer our students a deep breath of fresh air. David Denby writes, "The danger is not mere exposure to but the acceptance of a degraded environment that devalues everything- a shadow world in which our kids are breathing an awful lot of poison without knowing that there's clean air and sunshine elsewhere." May Great Hearts Day be such that our students' hearts are warmed by true, good, and beautiful things."
1A will be pondering what it means to be a good friend all
day long as we read and discuss virtuous stories with our 3rd grade buddy class
and make cards for both each other and those who are less fortunate. Mrs.
Trahan and I will also some very yummy treats for us to enjoy as a class
throughout the day :)
Here's what you can expect for this week:
This week we will continue on with place value as we work to
identify tens and ones in given numbers and change them to represent "10
more", "10 less", "1 more", and "1 less".
Because of great hearts day and athletic field day, instead of introducing a
lot of new content, we will spend a good amount of time reviewing addition and
subtraction concepts for the quarter so that we can be completely ready for
even more new math fun!
This week we will learn about how to keep our bodies healthy!
The class will discuss different forms of exercise and how they help various
body systems. We will also talk about cleanliness, with a focus on washing our
hands well. We will learn about why it is important to rest and get enough
sleep. We will also discuss nutrition and learn why eating a variety of foods
helps our bodies. Finally, we will review the body systems and how different
body systems work together.
We will continue our study of
ancient civilizations and discuss the importance of the land bridge.
Students will label it, as well as the origins of several early civilizations,
on a map.
Idiom: An apple a day
keeps the doctor away!
Poem: The Swing by Robert
Lewis Stevenson
Monday: above, express,
turn, lesson, father, anything, table, high, June
Tuesday: right, write, wrote,
date, road, rode, ride, March, march, next
Wednesday: indeed,
four, herself, power, wish, because, cause, world, country
We will continue reading and
discussing A Bargain For Frances. Students will learn about
what kind of virtues were present in the story.
Students will listen to a
passage from the story Pollyanna and
retell important information and details from the story.
Students will review the four
types of sentences: statement, command, question, and exclamation. Students
will continue to unscramble, edit, and classify sentences.