Sunday, December 18, 2016

Tax Credit Support-Queen of Arts

To Kindergarten and 1st grade families:

We are holding a grade-level team competition called “Royalty for a Day” to see who can bring in the most tax credits to support Archway Arete’s extracurricular clubs and sports.  If Kindergarten and 1st grade bring in the most tax credits, I will be crowned “Queen of Arts” for a day when we return from our holiday break.  As the Queen, I plan on holding an Activity Extravaganza complete with games and dancing for all my royal subjects!  I will also hand out a special treat at the end of the event.  I appreciate all your help in asking friends, neighbors, and family to help support Archway Arete and help us win this competition!  I cannot wait to become Queen!
Most Gratefully, Miss Weddle, Queen of Arts