Monday, September 5, 2016

Week 5!

Good morning! I hope everyone enjoyed their long weekend of rest and relaxation. Can you believe we are already a month into school? Time really does fly when you are having fun and learning lots of new things, of course :)! We are diving right into this second month of school, here's what's coming up: 

Literature: We are continuing to study stories from around the world, but this time we are comparing Cinderella stories! We will be reading the Western version that is very familiar and comparing it to the Egyptian version (Rhodopis). We will also read a story called “Billy Beg,” a Cinderella story with an interesting twist – a male main character! J

Spalding: Due to the holiday on Monday, we will only have 19 words this week! There will be two old words “have” and “are”. These will help us to review jobs of silent final e and apply job 5 to a new word. Our Spelling Test will be on Friday as normal! Please note that the phonograms on the sheet going home every Monday are the phonograms we are testing on Fridays (on the back of the Spelling Test). Please have your child practice the sounds of these two phonograms each night! We will also move to writing our words 3 times, instead of 2. For the third time, your child may copy the words without markings. Please dictate the words as though it were a spelling test so that the words are practiced and memorized for the first two columns. (This means it should not be completed during study hall after school; math and reading can be done during this time instead!)

Tuesday: today, look, did, like, six, boy, book, by, have, are
Wednesday: had, over, must, make, street, say, come, hand, ring

Writing: In Writing with Ease, our stories this week come from the Grimm Brothers: “The Frog Prince”.

Grammar: We are very excited to learn a new jingle this week, as we begin our study of verbs! We will be learning about action and linking verbs, with more of an emphasis on action verbs this week. Students will identify verbs in sentences and create phrases with subject noun and verb pairs. We will play some sorting games with nouns and verbs to get students up and moving as well!

Poem: We are beginning a new poem this week called “The Pasture” by Robert Frost. We will study stanza 1 this week, stanza 2 the following week, and practice the poem in its entirety and recite at the end of the 3rd week. (Recitations on September 22 and 23)

Idiom: Review of our first three idioms: Sour Grapes, Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing, and Golden Rule

Math: This week we will practice writing addition sentences and stories and students will work together to create their own numbers stories. We will also be moving towards even better mastery of addition as we practice our addition facts and begin to commit number combinations for numbers 1-10 to memory. I'm looking forward to using many different visuals and hands on activities this week to help everyone stay engaged and enthused. 

History: This week we will finish learning about the landforms of the earth.  We will discuss and recognize the equator, northern and southern hemisphere, and the prime meridian.  We will read a book about our individual location on the globe, and then do an activity in relation to the information.

Science: This week we will study habitats and the plants and animals that live in them. We will be focusing on polar regions and rainforests. We will review some of the habitats that we have learned about so far, and we will find similarities and differences between them. We will also continue to add on to our world habitats mobiles!

 Here's to another wonderful week!