Sunday, August 21, 2016

Week 3!

It's already time for another wonderful week of school! Last week we really got to know each other well as we worked together to master our Spalding phonograms, learn about different landforms and geography in History, and display our impressive singing skills with Ms. Weddle. Here is a video of the students singing during music class:

We can't wait to see what this third week of school brings as we venture forward and keep learning and working together: Here's what to expect for week 3:

In Literature this week, we will be starting Tom Thumb stories from around the world! We will read and compare these similar stories from England, Japan, and Denmark. We will also start sending home leveled readers this week! Please have your child read through the stories one time each night to increase fluency. We will check fluency on Friday, and new books will go home every Monday. Homework is to read for 15 minutes every night; the readers probably will not take this entire time, so please have your child complete their reading with a fun book of their choice!

We are excited to begin spelling words this week! Please listen to your child sound out the words and check to make sure markings are correct. Our first spelling test will be on Friday. It will contain all 30 words, as well as the ten phonograms of the week. We will also take the McCall-Harby reading comprehension test every week after the spelling test. This consists of a short reading passage that we will read to the class. There are ten “yes”/“no” questions that the students will answer following the listening of the story. (Please note that this reading test is not weighted as heavily as the spelling tests!)

In Writing, we are doing copy work and narration exercises from Rumpelstiltzkin.

We are continuing to study nouns and discussing the differences between common and proper nouns. There will be a small noun quiz on Friday!

“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” (the Golden Rule)

“The Caterpillar” continued! Work on stanza 2 – we will be reciting soon! J

This week we will continue to strengthen our addition skills as we take on some interactive activities with number bonds, number stories, and matching number pairs. We will have a chance to practice combining parts to make a whole number and decipher how we can break down different whole numbers within 10 into two parts. Last, your super scholars will also be taking their 1st grade beginning of the year addition and subtraction Singapore assessment tests. We will make sure to allow a lot of room to breathe and re-assess as they navigate through these assessments.

This week in Geography we will be studying bodies of water, such as oceans, lakes and rivers.  We will discover the major rivers of our own country and discuss why they are so valuable to the communities around them.  We will review landforms and bodies of water in preparation for a simple quiz on Monday using a variety of interactive mediums. The students should have a delightful time of discovery learning new vocabulary for this unit.

This week we will be begin a unit about habitats. During this unit, we will explore plants, animals, and environments around the world. The students will describe, compare, and contrast habitats. The first habitat that students will study is a familiar one: the desert. We will learn about how desert animals and plants are able to survive in that environment. We will also begin to explore forest habitats and learn about plants and animals that live in them.