Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Club Info-Remaining Spots

Greetings Archway Arete Families,
Club opportunities are still available for families interested in placing their children in an afterschool club. If you would like to sign your child up, please go to ArchwayArete.Configio.com
Mondays: K-5th Grade Passport Club
Tuesday: 4th-5th Grade Choir Club, 2nd-3rd Grade Art Club, 3rd-5th Grade Book Club
Thursday: 3rd-5th Grade Beginning Instruments Club, 3rd-5th Grade French Club
Friday: 2nd-3rd Grade Mallet Masters, 3rd-5th Grade Sports and Activity Club

Monday, January 30, 2017

Athletic Field Day!

Dear Parents,
Athletic Field Day is Friday, February 17 from 8:30-11:00. Each year classes are assigned a Greek City State for their team.  This year, our team is SPARTA and our team color is red.  There will be no school lunch offered on Athletic Field Day.  Please send your child to school with a lunch.  
This is the symbol for Sparta 

Volunteers for Athletic Field Day
In order to have Athletic Field Day run smoothly, we need your help!  Coach Rubino & Coach Steinmann need volunteers setting up and running the events.  Please sign up here to help with the events.  Also, we need a few volunteers for class to help with donating a cooler and snacks.  Please sign up here http://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090f4ea5a72da7f58-athletic

Athletic Field Day Attire:
Please have your child wear a red color t-shirt that day.  Students may decorate their shirts with their team name (Sparta) and/or symbol (see above) of their Greek City State.   Students should wear athletic clothing free of pop culture references.  Sports team and brand logos are acceptable on clothing.  Athletic shoes are mandatory (any color).  Hats and sunglasses may be worn.  Sunscreen must be applied at home.  Please see pg. 52 in the family handbook for more detailed information.  

Please let us know if you have any questions! 

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Week 23:

Good Afternoon,

I hope everyone has had a nice weekend.

Our 100th day of school is on Tuesday! Please send in 100 small items in a baggie with your scholar so that they can share and celebrate with the class.

Here is what we can look forward to this week:

Let the cat out of the bag.
I Know All the Sounds the Animals Make – RECITE ON FRIDAY

Monday: draw, drink, garden, goose, hopping, hop, knife, mouth, oak, peach
Tuesday: pole, queen, rope, season, sign, space, wagon, wheat, window
Wednesday: catch, catcher, kitchen, butcher, black, warm, unless, clothing, clothes, clothe
Thursday: Write each word once with markings.
Friday: Test

This week we will be reading a passage from How to Eat Fried Worms. Students will answer comprehension questions in complete sentences, and write a model sentence from the passage to copy in their notebooks.
Students will continue to review parts of a sentence and practice making meaningful sentences on their own.
We will continue our study of fairy tales with the story of Puss in Boots. Students will continue to review the elements of fairy tales and understand the first, middle and ending of the story.  They will have an opportunity as a class to write their own fairy tale story to share with the other classes!  We will have an oral assessment for this unit on Friday.

This week we will begin our study of Modern Civilization and Culture with Mexico.  Mexico has a rich and varied history and combines native American and Spanish legacies to create a vibrant culture.  Students will learn the location of Mexico relative to Canada and the United States.  They will recognize the Mexican culture through a study of their holidays, landforms, and art.

This week we will continue to grow our counting and addition skills for numbers 1-40. We will also be reviewing many of the skills and concepts that we have learned throughout the entire year including shapes, position, and "greater than" and "less than". We will celebrate our 100th day of school on Tuesday by completing many activities that will help us conceptualize just how big the number 100 really is.


This week we will continue our study of the human body with the Circulatory System.  Systems will identify the functions and components of the system.  They will learn to take their pulse, and identify the components of their blood.

Friday, January 27, 2017

Letter to 1A

Dear Students and Families of 1A,

Thank you for your kind words and thoughts while I have been on maternity leave. We feel so blessed gaining our littlest member of the family! I have missed all your sweet faces dearly, and it was so good to see everyone on the recent field trip! However, baby Alexis still needs lots of care and eats very frequently. I need to be home with her and tend to her needs since she is very little. While I will not be returning as your full-time teacher, our classroom has always felt like my second home, and I would love to come help with reading and math groups and in whatever capacity I can. I won’t be able to be at school every day, but I plan to still visit and can’t wait to see and hear all about what you are learning. I am very impressed with how much you all have already grown and have seen the strides you are making in your work (especially with your Spalding handwriting!). I keep in close contact with Ms. Modisett and Mrs. Trahan, and they are always bragging on how well you are doing. Keep up the great work! You will be big second graders before long! :)


Mrs. Ellingson

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Week 22!

Good Afternoon,

Here is what we can look forward to this week:

We will continue our study of fairy tales with the stories of Jack and the Beanstalk, and the Frog Prince.  Students will compare and contrast these stories with the ones they have previously read.

We will review and retell passages from the Velveteen Rabbit.

Students will continue to review basic conventions of a proper sentence and rewrite a model sentence.

Monday: spell, poor, fin ish, hurt, may be, a cross, to night, tenth, sir, these, those
Tuesday: club, see, seen, felt, full, fail, set, set ting, stamp light
Wednesday: come, com ing, night, pass, shut, ease, easy, bone, cloud
Thursday: Write each word once with markings
Friday: spelling test

I know All the sounds that the Animals Make by Prelutsky - - Due Feb.3

This week we will review the religion of Islam and take an assessment on Wednesday.  Thursday we will begin our study of Mexico.  Students will locate the country on a map and label the Rio Grande River.

This week we will finish our unit on graphing and collecting data. We will also focus heavily on reviewing and mastering our math facts in order to move in to counting and adding numbers beyond 20. Please continue to help your scholars grow their math skills by practicing addition and subtraction each week at home.

We will continue to learn all about our body systems this week by reviewing the skeletal and muscular systems and introducing the digestive system.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Week 21:

I hope everyone is settling back into a nice rhythm now that we are back at school!

Here is what you can expect this week:

This week we will review how to add and subtract numbers within 20 (and even higher) as well as how to compare two numbers to determine which is "greater than" and which is "less than". We will also begin a new unit on graphs and learn how to create and interpret data. 

This week we will continue to study the Islam religion and the regions where this religion is practiced.  We will look at the Five Pillars of this belief system and match the vocabulary to a foldable.

This week we will continue to study the human body by learning about the muscular system. Students will learn how our muscular system helps us move. We will learn about the three types of muscles. Skeletal muscles are used to move around, smooth muscles control the organs in the body, and cardiac muscle pumps our heart.

We will continue our study of fairy tales with Rapunzel and The Frog Prince.  Students are diligently working in their packets and completing creative writing assignments.  We will continue to recognize the specific elements of fairy tales in the stories we read.
Students will continue working on the conventions of a proper sentence.  We will be reading excerpts from Tom Sawyer and retelling the important details of the story.
This week we will introduce a new part of our grammar puzzle, the tiny articles A, an, and the.  Students will learn to recognize these in their writing projects.
Because this is a short week with the holiday and the field trip, students will have only 10 words to learn.
Wednesday: move, delay, pound, behind, around, burn, camp, bear, bare, clear
Thursday:  Write words once with markings
Friday: Test

As a reminder, the 1st grade field trip will be this Tuesday. 
Please have your student arrive to school on time as we will be loading our bus at 8:15.
Please pack your student a SACK LUNCH as we will be having lunch at freestone park before returning to school. We will also have snack outside the museum before our class begins at 9:00. 
We will be returning to school by 2:00 and students will be dismissed as normal at 2:45.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Week 20! Welcome Back!

Good Afternoon,

I hope everyone had a restful and joy filled winter break. I am so excited to begin this quarter and can't wait for all that we will learn together.

Here is what you can look forward to this week:

This week we will learn how to compare numbers within 20 and discover how to use the phrases "more than" and "less than" to describe a set of items. We will also review our subtraction and addition concepts by finding the difference and making pairs between many numbers.

This week we will begin our unit on the human body by studying the skeletal system. Students will learn about the main functions of the skeletal system, and identify some major bones and joints. They will also read a story about a broken bone and learn how we can take care of our bones. We will also be creating models of the skeletal system using Q-tips.

This week we will continue studying our third monotheistic religion, Islam.  Students will learn about the origins of the religion and about the prophet Muhammad who is recognized as the founder.  We will complete map labeling work of the countries in the Middle Easter where Islam began.
Idiom/Proverb: Fish out of water
Poem:  I Know All the Sounds the Animals Make by Prelutsky
Monday: first, sent, cent, mile, seem, even, without, afternoon, Friday, hour, our  (11 words)
Tuesday: wife, state, July, head, story, open, short, lady, reach, better
Wednesday: water, round, cost, price, class, become, horse, care, try (9 words)
Thursday:  Write each word once with markings.
Friday:  Test
Students will listen to passages out of A Child’s History of the World.  They will recognize basic conventions of a proper sentence and rewrite model sentences.

Students will review the basic parts of a sentence using the Shirley Jingles and review pages.

This week we will begin our month long study of fairy tales with Sleeping Beauty, Rumpelstiltskin, and Hansel and Gretel.  Students will be introduced to the basic elements of a fairy tale, and use graphic organizers to identify characters, problems, and solutions in the stories.

A note about report cards:
Students will receive the number 1-4 for different skills in each content area. For any skills not introduced yet (for example, time and money in math), there will be an “NA”. A 1 means the child needs a teacher’s full attention and continual support in order to be successful. A 2 means the child is able to complete the task, but still needs additional support. A 3 means the child shows proficiency in the skill but still benefits from occasional support. A 4 means that the child displays confident success without any further support than the original instructions.